Location: We can only ship within Canada via our online shop at this time. Please contact us if you are interested in shipping to the US.
Cost: Shipping will be calculated in the cart. Please note that we do not have a retail shop with retail hours so that we can keep our overhead costs low and offer great service and prices! We pack and ship orders once or twice per week for efficiencies. If you would like to pick up, please contact us and we will let you know the date and time your order will be ready for pickup.
Delivery Time: Orders ship between 3-5 business days. With shipping time, you can typically expect rain umbrella orders to arrive in 5-10 business days, depending on the service you select. We ask that you please remember that all delivery times are an estimate only, and that holidays and circumstances beyond our control (like weather or courier delays) may affect shipping times.
We will include the shipping cost in your quote for custom umbrellas.